The Corral

The Corral

As I walk down the crowded hallway of the children’s Sunday School wing of our church, I remember my friends serving far away, who do not have the privilege of attending church services kids-free. Their small fellowship does not have a nursery or childcare, and so their children must learn to sit as still as...

A Sovereign Delay

A Sovereign Delay

Our team was tired from a day of ministry and we were stepping onto our final train that would take us to the train station by our base – almost home! We crowded into the train and waited for the doors to shut as more people filed in, but the doors stayed open and the...

Planting Seeds

Planting Seeds

So often, ministry involves seed planting in faith. Very often we do not get to see the fruit of the seeds until years, decades or generations later. But sometimes a blossom of Kingdom growth surfaces in something as simple as a summer baseball camp … Good Morning, I am writing to simply say thank you!...

July 24, 2018April 12, 2019by
To Go or Not to Go

To Go or Not to Go

To go or not to go, that was the question in the Arizona high school boy’s mind as he slipped his backpack on and strolled down the hall. To his surprise, a stream of students flowed past him into the classroom. I already know God, I don’t really need to go, he tried to convince...

Dust and Life

Dust and Life

Dust and Life Dry, dusty boxes, caked with age and care, were slowly being opened and sorted in the musty attic above our grandfather’s kitchen. Memories were laden in this place. Grandfather pulled an old black book from one, and a smile spread across his wrinkled face. He handed it to me, saying, “I wonder...

I’ve Never Been Prayed For!

I’ve Never Been Prayed For!

“We missed you at the meeting.” She squinted slightly and adjusted her glasses. Her co-worker replied with surprising confidence, “Yes, we were sad to miss. But, well, guess what! My wife and I were both sick, but then we prayed and we are completely better!” A puzzled look crossed the woman’s face. She let the...

In Another Part of the World…M&M

In Another Part of the World…M&M

His name is Isaac. He snuck out of the house late last night to meet his friend for tea, and now he is silently climbing back into his room before the sun rises. He had seen the town slowly begin to awaken on his walk back, but his mind had been otherwise engaged in deep...

March 19, 2018April 12, 2019by
Ben & Lindsey Orr

Ben & Lindsey Orr

The locker door slammed shut as he walked toward the team room, his hair still dripping from his shower. It had been a hot day, and the game had gone long. But Chris’ heart beat with anticipation at what awaited him and his team. This would be like no other team meeting before! Last summer,...

February 27, 2018April 12, 2019by
Ted & Dana Witmer

Ted & Dana Witmer

The echoes of the prayers of the saints had been ringing in his mind and heart as he walked the long dark path home to his wife and eight children: prayers for revival in their war-torn land; cries to God for perseverance for all they had already endured. His mind had wandered back to that...

January 29, 2018April 12, 2019by