Men’s Ministry

By God’s grace we aim to link arms as a Band of Brothers…

… renewed in Christ, who seek to live for the supreme value of God’s glory under the rule of God’s word as those who have been cleansed by his Son and empowered by his Spirit.

We desire to press on in the faith, toiling together with the weapons of grace, exhorting one another to live, love, and lead as blood-spattered, warrior-servants of King Jesus in whatever domain God has made us stewards, so that we may ultimately be presented mature in Christ, to the glory of God the Father.

We Meet
First Saturday
each month @ 8:30am
East Sanctuary

Our goal has never been to make BOB the answer, rather we want to encourage the men of the church to regularly gather off site in small groups and to develop strong, trusting relationships with each other.

Tuesdays in the East Sanctuary
7:00 – 8:30pm

Men’s Bible Study

The aim of Men’s Bible Study is to be better equipped

  • To handle the word of truth
  • To proclaim the gospel of Christ
  • To lead at home, church, and community

The study features a lively, interactive, six question method highlighting the text to be preached on the upcoming Sunday. This approach promotes fellowship and accountability while preparing men to be faithful lights for Christ at home and throughout our community.


Acts 6:1-7 – June 25
Acts 6:8-8:3 – July 2
Acts 8:4-40 – July 9
Acts 9:1-31- July 16
Acts 9:21-11:18 – July 23
Acts 11:19-30 – July 30
Acts 12:1-25 – August 6

“The wounds of a friend are trustworthy, but the kisses of an enemy are excessive. Oil and incense bring joy to the heart, and the sweetness of a friend is better than self-counsel.”
-Proverb 27:6, 9

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