Join us for a fun week of Bible stories, hilarious skits, great music, fun games, and exciting crafts and activities.

June 20-24
Age 3*-6th Grade

*All children must be age 3 and potty-trained to participate. Parents of preschoolers are asked to stay on campus throughout the evening. We offer childcare for children age 0-2 and 3 year olds (not potty-trained) whose parents are volunteering or visiting the Parent Café.

What is Adventure Week?

Adventure Week is a fast-paced, God-centered, crazy-fun week!  

Kids see the gospel come alive in fun and engaging ways each evening. All of the fun is built around the truths of the Bible and our great God.





Registration for our Adventure Week program is FREE.

Please register by visiting:

  • Online registration is now closed.
  • Church office (M-F, 9am-4pm),
  • Sunday morning Adventure Week table (9am-11:15am)
  • Registration Tent (any night of Adventure Week)

We offer t-shirts for a small cost.

DON’T FORGET! Please pick up your family’s REGISTRATION PACKET on Sunday, June 19 at the Adventure Week table on the patio from 9:15am to 1pm. The packet will include shirts purchased, name tags, and parent claim tag.


Purchase T-Shirts at the Info Tent~

T-shirts can be purchased for $10 with cash or check at the Info Tent on the patio during Adventure Week (*while supplies last).


Every evening, your child will be served a snack in Nursery and K-6. Please click the button below to view our snack schedule and information for children with allergies.

Parent Café

Parents are invited to relax in our Parent Café from 6:45-8:00pm each night, located on the center patio. Join us for delicious dessert, Starbucks coffee, and uninterrupted conversation. Nursery and toddler care is provided for parents visiting the café. If you would like to donate a dessert for the café, please sign up here:



Meet Your Team

K-6th kids line up by their team flag outside the main sanctuary at 5:50pm. Preschoolers meet on the playground. Team captains are there to greet families and lead their team into their Opening Meetings.


Opening Meetings

Our Opening Meetings are held each night from 6:00-6:45pm in the West Sanctuary for K-6th and the Eagles/Owls Room for Preschool. The children watch a skit or puppet show and learn our Adventure Week songs. The kids sit with their teams and their team leaders.


Kid Stations and Parent Café

Each night from 6:45-8:15pm, the K-6th grade kids travel to four stations with their teams in the East Building. At these stations, the kids hear a Bible story, learn Bible verses, play games, do crafts, and have a snack. The Preschool kids have their own rotation to five similar stations in the Children’s Ministry wing.

Parents are invited to relax in our Parent Café from 6:45-8:00pm each night, located on the center patio. Join us for delicious dessert, Starbucks coffee, and uninterrupted conversation. If you have a preschooler, we ask that you stay on campus for the entire evening.


Preschool Check-out
(7:45 on Friday)


K-6 Check-out

Check In/Out


When you arrive each night, please visit the Registration area first. On Monday night, your child should come to Adventure Week WEARING their name-tag AND also check in at Registration. If you did not receive a Registration Packet ahead of time, visit the Registration booth located on the patio near Santa Gertrudes. On the following nights when you arrive, your child will check in and pick up their name tag at their team table in the Registration area.

Parents and each child in the family are given a family number to be used for check out. This number is on each child’s name tag. Parents are given a wristband with your family number written on it. Wear it on your wrist all week or put it on your key chain. If someone else is picking up your child, please give them your wristband or make arrangements at Registration when you check in.


K-6th Check Out: K-6th grade children should be picked up at 8:15pm at the front doors of the West Sanctuary. Please wait in the line that goes through the foyer, tell the volunteer your family’s last name and your kids will be called to you. Show your wristband and turn in name-tags to our staff as you exit. Please pick up your child promptly, as our voluteers need to leave and get ready for the next night of fun!

Preschool Check Out: Please pick up your preschooler at 8pm. Go to the playground and a volunteer will direct you to your child’s team. Pick your child up from this spot every night. Show your wristband, and turn in your child’s name-tag to one of our staff at the gate. Please note: Preschool check out is at 7:45pm on Friday.

What We Are Learning


This year, the kids will be learning about how we are all lost because of our sin and are in need of a Rescuer.

Theme Verse: Romans 10:13

“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”


The preschool children will learn that God is our Rescuer!

Theme Verse: Romans 10:13

“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”


Preschool Gospel Poem

God is in charge. My sin is large. Jesus died for you and me. So repent and believe.

Coins for Missions

Every year we partner with a missionary that our church supports to pray for their ministry and collect money for a specific need they have. Each night we collect a different type of coin. Encourage your child to do extra chores around the house this week to earn coins for this special project!

The kids learn more about our missionary family and this year’s Coins for Missions project at Adventure Week. 

Music & Resources

Help Your Kids Learn

Here are a few resources to help you continue to teach your child about Jesus once Adventure Week is over. These books are appropriate for Preschool and Elementary Children and give them a clear understanding of who God is, and how He has redeemed us.