September 8, 2024

In Colossians 4:3, we learn how churches should pray for their missionaries.

“Pray for us, that God may open to us a door for the word.”

It was another way of asking God to give growth as they planted and watered the seed of the gospel in places where Jesus had not yet been named. It was a prayer Paul had seen God answer again and again.

This isn’t just a great thing for churches to pray for our missionaries. It’s also a great thing for churches to pray for ourselves. We’ve also been entrusted with a ministry and message of reconciliation, right here in our own community. We ought to continue steadfastly asking the Lord to open to us a door for the word.

What might this look like and entail? Acts 14 has encouragement to offer us this Sunday. We will read about the final leg of Paul’s first missionary journey and his return to Antioch to declare “all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles (Acts 14:27).”

This Sunday Kenny Clark will preach Acts 14:1-28 and Walt Harrah will lead our sung worship. Would you pray for each as they prepare? And let’s persevere in prayer that God would open up new doors for the word among us these days.

See you Sunday, Grace. Come hungry!