Women’s Ministry
Jesus Christ is alive!
God’s living Word is active and powerfully changing lives today!
At Grace, we would love to see as many women as possible experience a transformed life through studying God’s Word together. For this reason, we connect with God and with each other through Bible study, prayer, and encouragement. We trust that as we delve into the Word more deeply, we will bear much fruit and find the fellowship among us as women of Grace to be even more refreshing and edifying. We would love to see you there!
Women’s Bible Study
The Wondrous Cross – January 21-April 15
“The simple act of gazing at the cross had set him free, and his burden of guilt was gone.” When preacher John Bunyan penned this line in an English jail, he knew true freedom. Ladies, join us as we gaze at the cross together in this 13 week study. Come behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.
Tuesdays from 7-9pm
Youth Room upstairs
All women are welcome
Morning Mercies Brunch
Morning Mercies Brunch – January 25 at 9am
Ladies, come “taste and see that the Lord is good” at our women’s brunch, Morning Mercies! Invite your daughters, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Jenny Earle will tell us how she’s seen the Lord’s goodness in her own story.
East Sanctuary
Register and sign up for the potluck below.