Marriage Conference

Marriage Conference

Grace Marriage Conference | October 18-20

We are very excited to announce a new conference coming to Grace this fall. We will be hosting the Grace Marriage Conference.

Over the past nearly 20 years, Grace has annually hosted a class called the Engaged Couples Class. This class has helped prepare engaged couples to have successful, long-lasting and God-honoring marriages. This fall at the Grace Marriage Conference, we will adopt some of the topics from the Engaged Couples Class, and we will be teaching on some new topics as well. Some of the topics will include: Friendship, Expectations, Sexual Intimacy, Avoiding Marital Drift, and Headship and Submission. The topics will be taught and led by a number of leaders here at Grace.

Please save the dates in your calendar for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday October 18, 19, and 20th. We will have more details and we will open signups in a few weeks. If you have any questions in the meantime, you can ask Rob Lister or Travis Austin.

We hope you can join us!