March 2, 2025

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice (Philippians 4:4).”

Let’s not forget that Paul didn’t that write that encouragement from a restful sabbatical on a beach somewhere. He wrote it from one of his numerous imprisonments. Just look at the image right above this. I love that while Paul is behind bars, his word of encouragement is being handed to us right through the bars.

As we come to Acts 24, it should be obvious that Paul had many reasons not to rejoice at this point in his ministry. This must have been such a time of frustration for him. Stuck in custody. At the mercy of one fickle governing authority after another, as weightless charges continue to hang over his head. Longing to testify about Jesus in Rome. Yet even in the middle of this chapter we will see Paul’s joy in the midst of trial (literally!).

As Paul takes the stand one more time to defend himself before Felix the governor, he begins like this:

“Knowing that for many years you have been a judge over this nation, I cheerfully make my defense (Acts 24:10).”

Cheerfully? Really? We might just pass this off as a flourish of rhetorical respect, a formality of flattery if we didn’t have such a wealth of evidence from Paul’s many letters to the contrary. He was able to rejoice in the Lord through the most frustrating of circumstances.

One of the reasons we gather weekly is to encourage one another to keep rejoicing in the Lord, again. We have so much to rejoice over in the Lord. Your ministry of presence each week, as you teach and admonish one another singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God fuels our collective joy.

This Sunday morning, Junior Jamreonvit will be preaching Acts 24 and Kenny Clark will be leading us in sung worship. Would you pray for each as they prepare? Take these two lines from Psalm 16 to prayer for us all as we prepare to worship together.

I have set the LORD always before me;
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices;
my flesh also dwells secure (Psalm 16:8–9)

And in the evening, after our members gather at 5pm for our quarterly member meeting (see you there, Grace members?) we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together at 6pm along with some child dedications and a rich family time. Jordan and Joyce Weaver will be back in town visiting us this weekend and Jordan will be leading us to the table with our communion meditation

See you Sunday, Grace. Come hungry!


Song of the Week

How Great Is the Greatness of God a new hymn from Matt Boswell, Bryan Fowler and Matt Papa

Oh, what a comfort in every trial
His presence is all that I need
Power that brought resurrection life
That power is living in me

How faithful the Father above!
How wondrous the works of the Son!
How sweet is the Spirit given to us!
How great is the greatness of God!