August 11 2024

Henry Martyn (1781–1812) was an Anglican missionary and translator known for his work in India and Persia. He translated the New Testament into several languages, including Urdu and Persian, and labored to preach Christ in regions where he had not been named. He endured significant health challenges as well as opposition. In his personal journal from January 1812, he wrote the following:

“To all appearance, the present year will be more perilous than any I have seen, but if I live to complete the Persian New Testament, my life after that will be of less importance. But whether life or death be mine, may Christ be magnified in me. If he has work for me to do, I cannot die.”

Martyn’s confidence in the sovereign goodness of God led him to the conclusion that until it was God’s time to take him home, he was immortal.

This Sunday in Acts, we will see the persecution back in Jerusalem increase in its intensity. Herod the king will laying violent hands on the church, even killing the apostle James with the sword and putting Peter under severe imprisonment to await his own execution. But as the church prays earnestly for his deliverance, Peter will sleep soundly “between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries before the door guarding the prison (12:6).” It seems Peter had the same mindset Henry Martyn would later come to have. If God has work for me to do, I cannot die.

This confidence is not just for apostles and foreign missionaries, but for every child of God.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1–2)

Junior Jamreonvit will be preaching Acts 12:1-25 this Sunday and Kenny Clark will be leading our sung worship. Would you take some time this week to read the passage and pray for each as they prepare? And let’s pray that the Lord would help us “abide in the shadow of the Almighty” with greater peace and security this week because we gathered.

See you Sunday, Grace. Come hungry!


Song of the Week

Our God Will Go Before Us by Matt Boswell and Matt Papa

Our God will go before us
And guide us by his presence
What confidence this promise is
We will never walk alone
Through unknown paths, through shadows
Our hearts fear not tomorrow
For every step his faithfulness
Is the truth that lights our way