

La Mirada services at 9am and 11am
La Gracia (Spanish speaking congregation) service at 11am



Our hope and prayer is that you will sense the presence of God among us.

We are serious about him meeting with us, and us with him, because the Bible says that there is joy to be found in God’s presence. So come expecting to be changed, to have your heart warmed toward him, and for your faith to get a timely tune-up.

Grace worship is corporate.

The worship doesn’t happen up front but in the congregation. We are not spectators, but participants. That means we come not just to receive but to give as well. We sing with gusto, we pray, we join in the offering, we greet, and we say “yes” to God. Grace worship is both head and heart. It’s like a dance. First, we inform our minds about who God is, so that what comes out of our mouths is a response of gratitude and thankfulness. Thinking about God is good, because when it is done right, it primes the pump of praise. Singing and praying then become the overflow of the heart.


Lord’s Supper Service

Usually on the first Sunday evening of the month we gather to take the Lord’s Supper together at 6:00 pm.  Following communion, we have a family time of sharing our lives with each other.

Reading Services

Because we revere God’s word and seek to obey its commands (1 Tim 4:13), we like to begin our preaching series with a reading service where we read through the book to be preached.

Reflection Services

We end a preaching series with a reflection service in which the congregation shares what God has taught them through the series.