Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell

January 19 through February 23

“Heaven and Hell” is a study about ultimate things. Though many live their lives as if neither heaven nor hell exist, the Scriptures clearly teach that we live after death and that there is an ultimate destiny for each man, woman and child.

In this two-part series, Alan Gomes will teach us what the Scriptures say about heaven and hell. He will also address some of the main myths, misconceptions, and objections to the biblical position. For 6 weeks in January & February of 2025, Dr. Gomes will focus on the doctrine of heaven, covering such topics as:

  • The afterlife matters! Why we need to get it right.
  • What are heaven and hell?
  • The afterlife from A to Z: from death to the final judgment and beyond
  • Why heaven is not the Christian’s eternal home, “way beyond the blue.”
  • “I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore!”: Life on a glorious new earth

The class may also pick from list of topics, including such questions as: Will Fido be there? What happens to infants who die? Will we be married in heaven? And what about people who claim to have gone to heaven and returned?

The class will meet during the 11am service, in the youth room, starting Sunday, Jan 19 and running til Feb 23.

(Dr. Gomes will be teaching part 2 of the class on the doctrine of hell in 2026.)
